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Liturgical Ministries

Many ministries are necessary to create a welcoming and prayerful liturgical celebration.  Liturgy is "the work of the people", and there is an opportunity for individuals with many different talents and personalities to serve. Training sessions for all new ministers happens on a regular basis and schedules are created based on your availability. Read below for a more detailed description of of the different liturgical ministries. 

Altar Servers: Altar servers assist the priest in a variety of ways during the celebration of the Eucharist. These include the carrying of the cross and candles in procession, holding the book of prayers, and assisting with the preparation of the gifts of bread and wine. Students in Grades 4 and above are invited to join this special ministry. Training sessions and meetings are held periodically. Please contact the main office or speak to the Priest if you are interested in becoming an Altar Server. 

Altar Guild: Members of the Altar Guild assist with the cleaning of the sacred vessels used in the celebration of the Eucharist, such as the chalice, ciboria, and cruets. They also assist with the cleaning of the vestments and altar cloths, and help to maintain a clean sanctuary and altar area. 

Ministry of Music: "He who sings prays twice" (St. Augustine). Our parish choir leads the community in songs of worship during Eucharistic celebrations on Sunday and other special occasions. Our parish choirs are led by 8 & 10AM - Dan Smith (, 12 Noon - Madaliene Swain (, and 7PM - Kane Burg ( If you are interested in joining one of our choirs please contact the above individuals after the respective Mass or through the Parish office. 

Funeral Choir: If you are one who loves to sing we would very much welcome your presence in the funeral choir.  This is an opportunity to do one of the corporal works of mercy, to bury the dead.  It is a great sign of community life when people come out so generously to assist in making the funerals at our parish meaningful and sacred.  Most funerals are at 10:00am Monday to Saturday.  Please contact Madeleine Swain at 905-727-3328 or leave your number at the parish office.

Lectors: Ministers of the Word have the important role of proclaiming the Word of God during the celebration of the Eucharist. They also introduce each Mass and read the general intercessions on behalf of the community. Each lector is given a copy the readings in advance, as it is important that they both pray over and practice the proclamation of each passage of Scripture. 

Ministers of Hospitality: "I was a stranger and you welcomed me" (Mt. 25:35). The Ministers of Welcome have the important role of greeting both parishioners and visitors to our Sunday Eucharistic celebrations. They also take up the offertory collection, organize seating for large celebrations, and distribute the bulletins, after Mass. In addition, they provide any necessary assistance for parishoners with special needs.

Children's Liturgy of the Word: "Let the children come to me" (Lk. 18:16). Our parish holds a Liturgy of the Word for Children during two of our Sunday Eucharist celebrations: Sunday 10AM, and 12 Noon. Children aged 4 and older gather after the entrance procession and proceed downstairs with volunteer catechists. After their own Liturgy of the Word they return to the main congregation during the preparation of the gifts in order to participate in the Liturgy of the Eucharist. 

Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion: These ministers assist the priest with the distribution of Communion during Sunday Mass. It is a very important ministry that requires prayer, commitment, and love for the Body and Blood of our Lord.