Administrative Ministries

Administrative Councils and Committees


Pastoral Council: The Pastoral Council consists of 4 elected members, 4 appointed members, and parish staff members. They join with the pastor of the parish and advise him on various matters of pastoral concern. 

Finance Council: The Parish Finance Council consists of parishoners who are appointed to consult with and advise the pastor on matters of financial concern. These matters include major expenditures and capital repairs, the preparation of the annual budget, and matters of employment. 

Renovation Committee: The Renovation Committee assists the pastor with the matters specifically related to the building and renovation of the church.

Collection Counters: The collection counters are responsible for counting and banking each Sunday collection. There are teams of 4 or 5 who rotate each weekend. 

Volunteer Screening: It is the policy of the Archdiocese of Toronto that any volunteers for parish groups or ministries must go through a screening process. For ministries considered high-risk this also includes references, an interview and a police check. The parish coordinates this screening process for new volunteers.